
We offer delivery within Stockholm and hope to expand to whole Sweden and worldwide!

The standard price for pavement delivery when purchasing online is 500kr within Stockholm.

Our prices in store for delivery within Stockholm is:
0 km - 5 km: 300 kr
5km - 10 km : 400 kr
10km - 15 km : 500 kr

The delivery is to the pavement, and it does not include help with carrying it. 

Help with carrying the furniture, can be arranged with the driver upon delivery, subject to time and possibility, if possible. You need to plan to receive the delivery, which usually takes place during Sundays between 17.30-22.30. 

Please feel free to contact us if you you live on other parts of Sweden and would like to order home delivery. 

If the item is fully renovated, the delivery is within 7 days usually. The item can stay in our warehouse up to 2 weeks. After that a warehouse fee will be charged if you miss to contact us. 

If it is a piece of furniture that needs to be renovated or reupholstered, then we will be contacted by phone for a delivery time.

Sometimes the product is sold in store without us having time to update the stock balance in the webshop. You will be contacted if it happens to your order.

Please select the “Collect” option during check out if you wish to use your own courier/ collect. Please read if the item is located in Västberga or Saltsjöqvarn. 

The furniture must be collected during our warehouse opening times (11-17) on Saturdays and Sundays in Västberga, or during our workshop working times (9-16) Saltsjöqvarn. 

If you wish to collect your item from a specific location (Västberga/Saltsjöqvarn) you need to send us an email or call us. 


Let´s collaborate!

Contact information

Phone Number: 070-743 55 64


Shop adress: Vretensborgsvägen 28 in Hägersten (Saturdays & Sundays 11:00-17:00 or by appointment)

Warehouse adress: Västra Finnbodavägen 1 in Nacka (only by appointmeny)